Hey look, this isn’t a Thanksgiving recipe!
I took a minute today to check on my Google Reader, which has been slightly neglected over the past two weeks. If it’s anything that food bloggers are great at doing, it’s celebrating Thanksgiving. And there are no shortage of brussels sprout, squash, pomegranate, and stuffing recipes out there. You guys are good.
I, on the other hand, just realized a few days ago that Thanksgiving is next week. how…?
I guess it’s been a busy few weeks for me. For one, I got a part time job! After a two year hiatus, I’m in the IRS records again. I’m working a few days a week at Righteous Cheese, a new cheese shop in the city, located in a shiny new open market. I’m loving it, although I am aware that it does perpetuate my erratic work record. Non-profit? check. Waitress? Check. Art Gallery? Check. Maitre’d? Check. Copy-Editor? Check. Writer? Check. Cheese? Check. Sheesh. But I digress, and I’ll go on about my lack of direction at another time. Also more about the cheese shop, and why I’m liking my work there (besides for the obvious, cheese) during a later post.
For now, I’m all about getting my sh*t together. As you know I was recently home, for what I’m proud to boast, was my first real paid feature in a magazine. It’s a digital magazine, but a magazine nonetheless. I also got a small job to write an article for a travel blog through a freelance website I’ve been perusing over the last month.
So my life in DC has now gone from ‘settling in’ and ‘exploring the area’ to full-fledged ‘GET ON IT NOW’. Work it, gurrrrrl. It’s nice to be busy, but I haven’t had time to think of the important things in life — like spending Thanksgiving with my girlfriends in New Orleans. That’s right, San Jose you can wait. I’m going to New Orleans this Thanksgiving!
My New York food-loving gals and I are spending a Very Cajun Thanksgiving in NoLA, where my dear friend Cameron and her husband Nick live. Hooray for cornbread and oyster stuffing (seriously)!!
But before I pick up my recipe books and November magazine issues, in between writing my articles and studying cheeses, I have to think about dinner first. So many things to do!
In my recent absence from home and as a result from being at the cheese shop a few nights a week, my poor DiploMan has been subsiding on a diet of cheese, Sweetgreen salads, and Chipotle. Well, this is not entirely true…actually it’s fairly accurate. So yesterday I put some work on hold and set aside a morning to cook some dishes up that can be easily stored for the week, packed for lunches, and reheated for dinner. It was nice to let my brain unwind, not having to think about where a certain cheese was from or how I was going to meet certain deadlines or how to apply for a business license in San Jose. Lots of logisitics outside of the kitchen, but once inside it’s all just order of operations. Cut, slice, peel, sauté, toss, cool. Soothing.
So here, before Thanksgiving comes and before I start to think about last-minute recipes for the big day, here’s a simple Fall Quinoa for your nightly dinner table. Earthy, carmelized, nutty.…hey now, that’s how I describe a certain cheese.….
- 1/2 cup quinoa (any variety)
- 1 cup chicken broth
- 1/2 medium yellow onion, sliced
- 1 small-medium sized leek, white and green parts, thinly sliced
- 4 big leaves red kale (any other kale, rainbow chard, or collard greens would work as well), ribbed and thinly sliced
- 4 cremini mushrooms, thinly sliced
- 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1/4 teaspoon paprika
- 1/4 cup sliced almonds
- Cook quinoa in chicken broth according to directions on the box. Typically, Quinoa gets cooking in liquid at a 1:2 ratio. Bring to a boil over high, turn heat down, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes. (That’s the no-fail guide to cooking quinoa!)
- In a sauté pan, coat pan with olive oil and heat on high. When oil is hot, sauté leeks and onions for 3–4 minutes, or until slightly translucent. Add kale and toss for a minute, then add mushrooms. Season with herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Sauté for a few more minutes on high, then turn heat to medium and cook for 5–8 minutes. This not only cooks the kale all the way through, but it also helps to slightly caramelize the ingredients. Remember to keep your eye on the pan and toss every so often.
- Turn heat off and set aside. When quinoa is done, mix into the sauté pan. Toss thoroughly and add almonds. When cool, store in an air-tight vessel in the fridge. Lasts 3–4 days. Perfect with baked trout, sausages, veggies, or a salad (basically, anything).
Yield: 3–4 servings

Congratulations on the job! I’m out of DC for two months and already all kinds of new markets and cheese shops and restaurants and probably many other things are opening. Also, the writing! That is great.
I too have been feeling bloggers’ guilt about neglecting my Google Reader recently. When we first arrived at post I felt like I had all this time and nothing to do but then my days slowly started filling up and now it’s all I can do to keep up my own blog!
I love that you packed dishes for DiploMan to reheat and take to lunch.
Natasha recently posted..Tennis Lessons in San Salvador
omg natasha, i have so much bloggers’ guilt! haven’t blogged in over a week (working on posts right now). I find it tougher to blog now that I’m back in the states, as opposed to bloggin while living abroad. I’ll be interested to hear what you think about it once you guys are back, too!!
And yes, I am definitely keeping up my wifely duties of packing lunch for the hubs (almost) every day. Full husband = happy husband!