Hangin’ with Mr. Local

A long day ends per­fectly with sit­ting out­side a local restau­rant and enjoy­ing a good local beer.

The minor­ity group of the region call them­selves tu jia (土家), which roughly trans­lates into earth familiy. Look­ing at the menu, the locals pre­fer meat-based foods with lots of pre­served and wild moun­tain veg­eta­bles. Also lots of spice, and as our (mediocre) din­ner proved that night, very salty.

My favorite part of any trip is the chance to get chummy with the locals. Which is why it’s nice to travel with Bar­rett, who is just so good at mak­ing friends with them. I sup­pose it’s his “Arab” good looks or per­haps his “excep­tional busi­ness skills” or his “amaz­ing Chi­nese”, all of which were pre­sumed that evening.

Don’t think we were get­ting wasted over the clus­ter of beers on the table, either– each of those light and tasty local beers were 2.5% ABV (alco­hol by vol­ume) per bottle.

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