Breakfast Time in Zhangjiajie

On our way to an early morn­ing hike in Zhangji­a­jie National Park, we passed by a string of local restau­rants, open to their clien­tele for a hearty breakfast.

The local break­fast seemed to be based around noo­dles, boiled fresh to order and paired with your selec­tion from a vari­ety of spicy broths. Other options included steamed dumplings (饺子;jiaozi) or sim­ple rice por­ridge with top­pings such as salted peanuts, mar­i­nated cucum­bers, and pre­served vegetables.

Not a bad way to start the day, if you ask me. (Although, those spicy broths could be poten­tially dangerous)

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2 thoughts on “Breakfast Time in Zhangjiajie

  1. Hm it looks good, but I don’t know about break­fast. I am a pancakes-and-eggs type of per­son. Though I sup­pose I’ll have to get used to non-Western break­fast foods even­tu­ally! I have a friend who CANNOT eat any­thing but tra­di­tional break­fast foods for his first meal of the day — regard­less of the time. Like, he would never go to brunch and order a ham­burger. Even if his first meal is at like 12 or 1 p.m. Cold left­over pizza? No way.
    Natasha recently posted..Free­lance Writ­ing Abroad

    • Yeah, I’m able to take down a bowl of con­gee, but not really a whole bowl of noo­dles at 7am in the morn­ing. I’ve got to say though, see­ing what other coun­tries eat for their break­fasts is ver­rry inter­est­ing. A lot less of a hul­la­baloo that what Amer­i­cans make theirs (ours!) out to be!!

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