
Guys! Big news.

I found roma toma­toes on the vine at the mar­ket this week. What, you thought I was going to make some other sort of announcement?!

Seri­ously though, if you’re in Guangzhou, put on your shoes now and run to your near­est wet mar­ket, I want to know if you find them, too.

I bought a cou­ple pounds worth, a total impulse pur­chase, but one that was far wiser than other impulse pur­chases I’ve made in the past (read: Richard Nichols pants, books on how to code CSS, a dog). The toma­toes were so per­fectly ripe that I almost refrained from cook­ing them. Almost. I decided instead to give them a nice slow go in the oven. Slow roast­ing toma­toes cre­ates an extra fla­vor­ful tomato that is ten times tastier, and a per­fect com­pli­ment to sum­mer pas­tas or salads…or sim­ply slathered on a piece of crunchy toast.

In my case, I was look­ing for­ward to cre­at­ing some break­fast meals in my new cast iron skil­let pan. The toma­toes are sit­ting in my fridge now, ready to dance with some pota­toes or eggs. I’ll let you in on how that works out, some­time in the next few days…

Slow Roasted Tomatoes


  • 1–2 lbs. small toma­toes (cherry toma­toes, roma toma­toes, etc)
  • Extra Vir­gin Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Dried Herbs (Rose­mary, Thyme, Oregano, Pars­ley, or Sage)


  1. Cut toma­toes in half. Sprin­kle with a gen­er­ous help­ing of kosher salt and freshly ground black pep­per, and what­ever dried herbs please you– in my case, I used oregano and rose­mary. Peel and crush a few cloves of gar­lic and toss into the pan. Douse with a good amount of olive oil, enough to coat the toma­toes and then some.
  2. Roast at 275 degrees F for 2 hours. Toma­toes should be shriv­eled but still moist. Allow to cool to room tem­per­a­ture, and store in a air-tight con­tainer along with all the extra juices, olive oil, and garlic.
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3 thoughts on “Newsworthy

  1. Oh my gosh–I just saw your com­ment on my blog and had to come check out yours…and I am in travel HEAVEN. I would love to be every­where you are, (ten­ta­tively) try­ing new foods and cook­ing tra­di­tion­ally and mak­ing slow roasted toma­toes to cel­e­brate sum­mer. I have the travel bug and I have it bad. Plus, those avatar peaks? Can’t han­dle it.

    • Awwwwww shucks. Have men­tally filed your com­ment for a rainy day– it helps through the times when I yearn for a good olé’ trip to Trader Joe’s! Glad to pro­vide mutual blog envy!!

  2. Pingback: Inspired Eggs | Peeps From Abroad

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