Back to the markets…

Hey folks, before I start a ‘real’ job (ugh, I can’t believe I just did that), I am doing a little bit of events work and blogging for one of my favorite local city magazines in town. Not that I’m biased or anything.

Fruit Stand

Check out my recent entry on…surprise! Market finds!

By the way guys, fresh raw dates are my new favorite fruit. Do these exist in the U.S.?

Taiwan goodies: mi jian (蜜餞)

Dried fruit are a popular snack in Taiwanese culture, and you will often see people sucking on sweet and sour dried plums, called “sour plums”. We stopped by a little store near Tainan that sold dozens of varieties of dried fruits, all made in-house

There were raisins, plums, guavas, papayas, mangoes, and more. Little tupperware cylinders were set over each one, tempting any buyer to try a taste. My favorite were the semi-dried guava (like dried fruit, but retained with a little more of their wetness) and the sticky semi-dried pomelo peel, and the dried sour plums, of course.