In a perfect world, I’d wake up every weekend to coffee already brewing (magic!) and set off to explore a new outdoor farmers’ market, replete with homemade goods, seasonal veggies, and local handicrafts. I would come home with a basket FULL of goodies to share with my little clan of Diplo-Babes, and after snacking on some delicious baked goods we’d pile into our beautiful kitchen (equipped with Viking Ranges, duh) and prepare a nutritious feast. It would be the best of lives.
As I continue to dream about my future airy kitchen and gang of little mixed-race toddlers, I’ll share some photos from my visit to another Pretorian farmers’ market. If the Boeremark suited more the salt-of-the-earth kind of guy than your yuppie self, then the Hazel Food Market would certainly be more to your liking. Cupcakes! Craft burgers! Not one, not two, but three coffee vendors! Smoothies! Oh, and more meat than you’d know what to do with (that’s what she said?!)…
Here ya’ go:
Pretoria has been such a great time these last two weeks, but I’m finally leaving town tomorrow morning. As great a breather as these weeks have been, I’m very much looking forward to getting home to Dar. Two weeks away is a long time, especially when you were only planning on being gone for one. I’ve got a few projects due at the end of the month and many more ideas that have been marinating for a little too long, and I’d best get everything done before they – or I - turn sour. My mental to-do list always causes me greater anxiety when thinking about the items than actually tackling them, so as you’d imagine I’m a bit of a mess right now. Do you guys get all knotty inside too, or are you the completely reasonable, sensible, level-headed, project-managing type? If you’re the latter, well, I envy you.
I only have a few days to get my ducks in a row, though, as we’re off to Zanzibar on a cultural immersion trip sponsored by the Embassy next week. If you’re thinking that sounds rough, ummmm…yeah, it totally is. Knotty guts and all.